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Intestinal forms of helminthiasis and skin syndrome Larva Migrans (short-term treatment with small doses):


hookworm and necatorosis,




ascariasis, i.e




giardiasis in children.

Systemic helminthic infections (long-term treatment with high doses):

cystic echinococcosis (caused by Echinococcus granulosus):

if surgical intervention is not possible;

before surgery;

after surgery, if the preoperative treatment was short, if the spread of helminths is observed or live forms were found during the operation;

after percutaneous cyst drainage for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes;

alveolar echinococcosis (caused by Echinococcus multiocularis):

in case of inoperable disease, in particular in cases of local or distant metastases;

after palliative surgery;

after radical surgery or liver transplantation;

neurocysticercosis (caused by Taenia solium larvae):

in the presence of single or multiple cysts or granulomatous lesions of the brain;

with arachnoid or intraventricular cysts;

with racemose cysts;

capillarosis (caused by Capillaria philippinensis), gnathostomosis (caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum and related species), trichinellosis (caused by Trichinella spiralis and T. pseudospiralis), toxocariasis (caused by Toxocara canis and related species).


The active substance is albendazole (one chewable tablet contains 400 mg of albendazole).

Excipients: corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium methylparaben (E 219), sodium propylparaben (E 217), sodium starch glycolate (type A), colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide, talc, magnesium stearate, dry essence of mixed fruits, aspartame (E 951), sodium lauryl sulfate.


hypersensitivity to albendazole, other benzylidazole derivatives, to other components of the drug;

diseases of the retina;

women planning pregnancy; women of reproductive age should use effective non-hormonal contraceptives during and during the first month after treatment;


Application method

Intestinal infections and Larva Migrans skin syndrome

The drug should be taken with food. It is advisable to apply at the same time of the day. If recovery does not occur after three weeks, prescribe a second course of treatment.

The tablet can be chewed or crushed and taken with a small amount of water.

Recommended dosage:

enterobiosis, hookworm, nekatorosis, ascariasis, trichocephalosis: adults and children aged 2 years and older - 400 mg 1 time / day (one tablet) once;

strongyloidosis, teniosis, hymenolepidosis: adults and children aged 2 years and older - 400 mg 1 time / day (one tablet) for 3 days; with hymenolepidosis, a repeated course of treatment is recommended in the interval from the 10th to the 21st day after the previous course;

clonorchosis, opistarchosis: adults and children over 2 years old - 400 mg one tablet 2 times a day for 3 days;

Larva Migrans skin syndrome: adults and children over 2 years old - 400 mg one tablet once a day for 1-3 days;

giardiasis: only children aged 2 to 12 years - 400 mg one tablet once a day for 5 days.

Systemic helminth infections (long-term treatment with high doses)

The drug should be taken with food. High doses of the drug are not recommended for children under 6 years of age. The dosage regimen is set by the doctor depending on age, body weight, and the severity of the infection. The dose for patients with a body weight of more than 60 kg is 400 mg (one tablet) 2 times a day. If the body weight is less than 60 kg, the drug should be prescribed at the rate of 15 mg/kg/day. This dose should be divided into 2 doses. The maximum daily dose is 800 mg.

Recommended duration of use:

cystic echinococcosis - 28 days (the 28-day cycle can be prescribed again (only 3 times) after a break of 14 days);

inoperable and multiple cysts - up to 3 28-day cycles in the treatment of liver, lung and peritoneal cysts (in the presence of cysts of other localization (in bones or brain), longer treatment may be required);

before surgery - two 28-day cycles are recommended; if surgery is to be performed before these cycles are completed, treatment should be continued as long as possible before surgery;

after surgery, after percutaneous drainage of cysts - if a short (less than 14 days) course of treatment was received before surgery or in the case of urgent surgical intervention, after surgery two cycles of 28 days each, separated by a 14-day break in taking the drug; similarly, if viable cysts are found or the spread of helminths occurs, carry out two full cycles of treatment;

alveolar echinococcosis - 28 days; repeat the second 28-day course after a two-week break in the use of the drug; treatment canbe extended for several months or years;

neurocysticercosis - from 7 to 30 days; the second course can be repeated after a two-week break in taking the drug;

cysts in the parenchyma and granulomas - from 7 days (minimum) to 28 days;

arachnoid and intragastric cysts - 28 days;

racemose cysts - 28 days, may last longer (the duration of treatment is determined by the clinical and radiological response to treatment);

capillariosis - 400 mg once a day for 10 days; one course of treatment is usually required, but subsequent courses may be required if the results of the parasitological examination remain positive;

gnathostomosis - 400 mg once a day for 10-20 days (see above);

trichinellosis, toxocarosis - 400 mg 2 times a day for 5-10 days (see above).

Features of application


The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for the treatment of women who plan to become pregnant.


The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children under 2 years of age in this dosage form.


Due to the presence of such a side reaction as dizziness, it is recommended to refrain from driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms during the period of use of albendazole.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, drowsiness, visual disturbances, visual hallucinations, speech disorders, dizziness, loss of consciousness, liver enlargement, increased level of transaminases, jaundice; respiratory distress, brown-red or orange coloration of the skin, urine, sweat, saliva, tears and feces in proportion to the dose of the drug.

Treatment: perform gastric lavage and apply symptomatic and supportive therapy.

Side effects

Gastrointestinal tract: stomatitis, dry mouth, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, epigastric pain.

Hepatobiliary disorders: transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis, hepatocellular disorder.

From the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, tachycardia.

From the nervous system and peripheral nervous system: insomnia or drowsiness, headache, dizziness, confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, convulsions, decreased visual acuity.

From the blood and lymphatic system: leukopenia; neutropenia; thrombocytopenia; anemia, including aplastic anemia; agranulocytosis, pancytopenia. Patients with liver disease, including hepatic echinococcosis, are more prone to bone marrow suppression.

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous tissue: skin rashes, hyperemia, polymorphic erythema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, alopecia areata, (hair thinning and moderate hair loss), itching, urticaria, pemphigus, dermatitis, edema.

On the part of the kidneys and urinary system: impaired kidney function, acute renal failure, proteinuria.

Storage conditions

Store in the original packaging at a temperature not higher than 25 °C, in a place inaccessible to children.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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